Research Interests:

  • Algebraic, enumerative, and geometric combinatorics.
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning.
  • Quantitative justice.

Please use the navigation menu or click on the following for my scholarly works:

  • Mathematics Articles & Theses
  • Writing on Mathematics, Education, Culture, and Society

  • Keywords of Mathematical Interests:

    • Triangulations, subdivisions, and volume of lattice and rational polytopes and cones.
    • Ehrhart theory: (local) h*-polynomials, quasi-polynomials, Equivariant Ehrhart theory, Ehrhart positivity.
    • Catalan Combinatorics: generating functions, trees, standard Young tableaux, integer partitions, q-analogs, Dyck paths, generalizations of parking functions, Narayana numbers.
    • Combinatorics of Posets: lattices, chains, order ideals, rank generating functions, meet-irreducibles.
    • Geometric combinatorics: matroids, hyperplane arrangements, symmetry.
    • Polynomial properties: real-rootedness, gamma-positivity, symmetric decompositions.
    • Symmetric functions: chromatic symmetric functions, q- and q,t-analogs. 
    • Critical group of graphs and chip-firing.
    • Data science and mathematics for social justice: data analysis, interdisciplinary study (e.g., social science, history, economics), and racial/social issues.