Course meets: MW 11am, Shanahan 3465
Office Hours: Tuesdays 9am-10am and 3pm-4pm, or by appointment.
Grader: Ryan O’Dowd, ryan.o’
The main topics of this course will be field extensions and Galois Theory, and additional topics as time permits.
Required Text
Dummit and Foote, Abstract Algebra (3rd edition). Doing the reading will be essential for success in this course. Also as a second-semester course, I will expect a certain level of mathematical maturity. This means that sometimes I will not prove simple statements in class; you should get in the habit of working out some details for yourself, and doing the reading.
Algebra I (Math 171)
Grading Policy
A midterm (25%), a final (25%) and a homeworks (25%) with the lowest homework score dropped, and the strongest component of the three will be worth 50%.
Honor Code
All are expected to abide by the HMC honor code. Though cooperation on homework assignments is encouraged, you are expected to write up all your solutions individually. It is appropriate to acknowledge the assistance of others. Part of the fun of this course is the struggle, as well as the joy of discovering the solution for yourself. Please note: using solutions found online or solutions of previous students will be regarded as a violation of the HMC Honor Code and will be handled accordingly. I encourage you instead to discuss the ideas with me or each other!
Homeworks, assigned weekly, turn in Wednesdays (in class) or by 4pm in the bin outside my office door. Homeworks will be announced on this webpage.
On Learning: Read this article by Carol Dweck.
On Writing Mathematics Well: Read my handout on good mathematical writing.
LaTeX homework sets, courtesy of Luis Ramirez, may be found here: (but you are responsible for checking they are correctly transcribed):