See my creations:
- I have a book: Mathematics for Human Flourishing (2020).
Order at Yale University Press or on Amazon or another bookseller.- See my public webpage for reviews and press.
- The book is based on my speech Mathematics for Human Flourishing, delivered Jan 6, 2017 at the Joint Math Meetings. There’s a published version [PDF] in the American Mathematical Monthly.
- See also Kevin Hartnett’s article about this speech in Quanta Magazine or Wired.
- I have a textbook: Topology Through Inquiry, with Michael Starbird, which you can order through MAA/AMS books. There’s also resources for Instructors at the book webpage.
- I have a 24-lecture video course on Linear Algebra from The Great Courses (Wondrium):
- Notes and Audio from my 2013 Haimo Award lecture: “The Lesson of Grace in Teaching“
- My LA TImes op-ed: Solve this math problem: the gender gap
- Some of my MAA FOCUS Columns on Race and Issues in the Classroom:
- Race, Space, and the Conflict Inside Us also on [blog]
- The Value of Struggle also on [blog]
- Mathematical Microaggressions
- The Secret Mathematical Menu
- To the Mathematical Beach
- Some Guidelines for Good Mathematical Writing (See also the handouts I use in courses)
- Try my iOS app: MathFeed, the Math News App
- That Makes It Invertible – Our parody of a One Direction Song
- My Math Fun Facts website or my Math Fun Facts iPhone app!
- My Real Analysis Lectures on YouTube
- Notes from my Leitzel Lecture at the 2006 MathFest
- My Fair Division Calculator and the New York Times’ updated version and related article.
- A Quote/ Another Quote
- A Hymn