Here’s a way to multiply numbers visually! Suppose you want to multiply 22 by 13. Draw 2 lines slanted upward...
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Scrabble Identity
Question: What positive integer, when spelled out, has a Scrabble score equal to that integer? Answer: see Figure 1. How...
Continue reading...Divisibility by Seven
Everyone learns in grade school some simple tests for divisibility by small numbers such as 2, 3, 5, and 9....
Continue reading...Spherical Bands
Take any sphere and slice it up by parallel knives 1 inch apart. The areas of the spherical bands between the cuts...
Continue reading...Zero to the Zero Power
It is commonly taught that any number to the zero power is 1, and zero to any power is 0....
Continue reading...Morley’s Theorem
Take any triangle. Mark the 3 points which are the intersections of adjacent angle trisectors. No matter what triangle you...
Continue reading...Complex Roots Made Visible
Everyone learns that the roots of a polynomial have a graphical interpretation: they’re the places where the function crosses the x-axis. But...
Continue reading...Music Math Harmony
Harmony occurs in music when two pitches vibrate at frequencies in small integer ratios. It is a remarkable(!) coincidence that27/12 is very...
Continue reading...Pi Approximations
Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is known to be irrational and its decimal...
Continue reading...Holey Beads
Take a bead 5 inches high, and bore a hole through it from north pole to south pole in such...
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